Airband was last night. As I mentioned earlier, I was out stormchasing & missed the show (and we would have to
pay for performance tickets & stand in the hours-long line... I'm not a college student anymore, I guess.), but I heard it was a good show...
Gerig performed
Tradition, from Fiddler on the Roof, and carried on the dorm's tradition of first place finishes, for the 5th win in 8 years.
Amazing! I'm so excited for them!
I went last night. They now have two showings. We went to the one at 6:30 and waited in line for 15mins and got seats that were maybe 10 rows back.
Gerig's was definitely the best! I thought they won 4 out of the last 7, but I could be mistaken.
2001 - Joyful, Joyful
2002 - The Devil is Bad
2004 or 2005 - The sound of music
2007 - Tradition
Am I missing one?
You know, I think you're right. I was going off the information left on my voicemail.
Since 1991:
1991 - Won. Don't know what they did.
--- Didn't participate for 10 years.
2001 - Joyful, Joyful - Won
2002 - The Devil is Bad - Won
2003 - Aladdin - Didn't win
2004 - Didn't participate
2005 - The sound of music - Won
2007 - Tradition - Won
Does this sound right?
So, to put a positive spin on it: Gerig won 5 of the last 6 times they put a show together. When we bother to do it, we do it right!
That's awesome! :)
It would be cool to see a video of all of the past Gerig performances.
Yeah - Go Gerig! Woo-Hoo!
I got goosebumps just thinking that I'm apart of that amazing tradition - I was in TWO of those four winning performances!
I was just reading your post about stormchasing in my google reader and here you are reading my post. Your new photo is supercute.
Since when are you a Firefly fan? I never noticed that on your profile before!! I'm Zoe.
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