
The End Is Near

I am exhausted. The week was full, but quicker than I anticipated. The semester is hurtling towards a close. Alas. I had my last Database test today before finals. I'm going to Indy to do the last Data Communications project tomorrow. Java Haus, one of the big Hall Council events for the year, is happening Tuesday. I'm supposed to have essays read from a book I don't have by Wednesday, & be ready to present about them. Josh is done with his school year Thursday and he heads home for the next 3 months while I'm in Upland for the summer. The ISD project I have been spending 20+ hours a week on for the last semester is due in a week. Everything is culminating. Things are busy and intense, but I surprisingly I have at no point felt as overwhelmed and stressed as I have at points like this in the past. Maybe I'm learning to deal with pressure better. Or maybe God's been particularly gracious, to His daughter desparately in need of His strength & grace.
Sigh. I think I'm going to go talk to Him for a bit then go to bed.

--Oh, if anyone wants to help me make this site look prettier, let me know. I'm the first to admit I am NOT a web designer.

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