
Ear worm o' the day

This song has been in my head all day.
Joyful songs tend to run through my head on joyful days. Especially in the spring. Spring just exudes joy. I love it. This song, specifically, I love as well. I love the picture of skipping and dancing as a bride overflowing with happiness because her groom has come for her, and is there dancing and rejoicing over her in the same way.
'Dance with all your might' That's not something I've ever done. Inhibitions and self conciousness get in the way. But, one day, I'll be able to throw all of that to the side and truly dance with all my heart and might because I won't worry about what others think- I'll be completely accepted and approved of by my First Love. Oh, how I long to be free of the fears of rejection and disapproval and all the others I've got at some level and let go and fully realize God's perfect love, for "perfect love drives out fear...The one who fears is not made perfect in love.” 1 John 4:18 I, like the main character of one of my favorite books, am too often much-afraid. But I, like her, desire the to know my Shepherd, who I can trust.
And then there's the part of the song, "From every tongue and tribe and nation, we will join in the song of the lamb." That's so exciting for me. I can't wait, really. To hear the world- all the colorful, deep passionate cultures from all corners of the earth praising the name of the Lord in the way each of them were made to... That excites me. My heart for ministry, if for any specific region, is for the Middle East. When I sing those lines, I picture the mobs in Iraq or Palestine we see on the news fighting with police, burning flags, collectively full of anger and hate- I picture these mobs full of passionate people shouting and singing with the same fervor to the Christian God, overcome with the grace of God rather than the hopelessness of their situation.
And then mix this group with the voices of rejoicing from Africa, the grand choirs of Europe, the praise rising from South America, the prayers from Asia. The worldwide Church is like nothing we've ever seen or imagined. I can't wait to see us together, all there to pour our hearts out to our First Love, Jesus.

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