
Can't forget.

Once upon a time, less than a year ago, Americans cared about Haiti's plight. They were ready to welcome the orphans and feed the masses of homeless. Now? I heard on the radio there's talk of fatigue. Compassion fatigue. Donor fatigue. News cycle fatigue, because we have such short attention spans.

I can't stop caring, though.

Because I have friends headed down there for a year.

Because missionaries are being attacked.

Because people are still dying for lack of clean water.

Because the cholera epidemic may spread to the Dominican Republic, where other friends live.

Because health care and food and basic utilities and even Honda generators are still hard to come by.

I'm thankful that my church has been sending medical teams every couple months to care for those in the IDP camps. I'm also thankful that my friend Barry has kept Haiti in the spotlight at World Next Door, with 3 trips- one less than 2 months before the earthquake, the next just a few weeks after the earthquake, and the latest in September. From his reports, conditions are still dire, and millions are without homes, though groups like Nehemiah Vision Ministries are working tirelessly.

With this new threat of disease, and with the devastation that has yet to be addressed, we can't forget Haiti.

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