
Family Reunion '09

I'm a week behind on these pictures, but here's what I got: The annual family reunion. We missed out last year because we were at a different family reunion in a different state on the same weekend. Past reunions look pretty much like this one, except the kids have gotten bigger.

This year, there was the obligatory Table Full of Food. I think I counted something in the range of 5 macaroni and cheese dishes. I brought coleslaw in an attempt to get a cabbage out of my fridge.

A couple dogs joined the party.

We were THIS CLOSE to bringing Casey along, but decided to leave him at home this year. I think he would have done OK, but we wouldn't have been able to go to the petting zoo with him in tow. "Petting zoo?" you say? Yes, a petting zoo! Pigs! Turkeys! Goats! Sheep! Ducks! Peacocks! Emus!

I'll leave you with an idea of how these kids grow up under our noses. I present the newest baby at the reunion two years ago, August 2007:

And last week, the same beauty:

All grown up! Well, all of her two-and-a-half year old self. Check out all of the pictures from this year's reunion!

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