
God's dreams

As a part of the Sojourn service Sunday, we creatively responded to the sermon series about Joseph's life by writing or drawing or sculpting our insights during the message. A few people shared their thoughts. What caught me about the story was the recurrence of dreams throughout Joseph's life- his own and those around him- and the unlikely path God took him to serve God's purposes. This is what I came up with:
God's dreams are not our own
A dream of hay bales bowing
A dream of moon and sun and stars
A dream of birds and bread and death
A dream of cows and famine

Did Joseph dream of being a shepherd when he grew up, like his brothers?

Did Jacob dream of reuniting his family?

Did the baker and the cupbearer dream of their families while in prison?

God's dreams are not our own.
He dreams of a Hebrew boy ruling Egypt.
He dreams of separating a pivotal family for a time, to save them in the end.
He dreams of letting a father lose his favorite son to later reunite
the family and feed them.
He dreams of saving His people and nation through seeming tragedy.
He dreams of simple people from Canaan saving the world.

Once during famine in Egypt.

Again, 2000 years ago in Palestine.

God's dreams are not our own.

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