
It's only Tuesday

We were at Costco Sunday after church, and we were hungry. The $1.50 hot dog + drink meal was tempting. Josh stood in line to get one for each of us, and we noticed black smoke coming from the frozen yogurt machine. As Josh tried to order, the managers were running around panicked with fire extinguishers. I heard someone say "Call the fire department!" Needless to say, we didn't get our hot dogs. We were rushed out of the store with the rest of the customers in the area. As we left, we saw fire trucks pulling into the parking lot.

Yesterday, Josh called me after lunch. Apparently he had left stuff he needed for work at home, and had to make an extra round trip & work later than he wanted to. When he got back to work, he discovered his lunch had been swiped.

This morning I get a phone call- Josh went to grab his cell phone as he was leaving, and it was soaking wet & not working. Go figure, it was on the kitchen counter and I was doing dishes last night. I probably set something to dry on top of it. Sigh. Luckily we have a spare phone for just such an occasion.

On the phone, Josh said he was afraid for what the rest of the week might hold, especially since we're going camping this weekend. It's only Tuesday! If this trend holds, we're in trouble.

Josh read this an immediately said, "You forgot about the flat tire!" Oh yeah- there is currently a screw in one of the cars' tires. Luckily (?) the screw is in there pretty tightly, so the leak is slow- nothing super-urgent (like last time...). He'll get it fixed tomorrow.

And then this evening, after dinner, we were rushing to the nearest Aldi to go shopping for camping food this weekend, and got there with plenty of time- it was 7:30, and Aldi closed at 8. There was a big sign on the door: "Closed for Remodeling June 9th 5pm. Reopening June 11 9am." Sigh. It figures. We hurried to the next-closest Aldi and got there at 7:50, and were out by 7:57. I felt like I was on Supermarket Sweep.

1 comment:

ashley said...

Uh oh, I'm not sure I want to go camping with you now! ;-)*


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