Last Saturday, we were Christmas-tree shopping at a local WalMart when we saw a crowd gathered outside a semi outside the store. This wasn't just any semi truck... it was Mack himself!

Sally and Mater showed up as well. The star of the show, Lightning McQueen was too far behind the semi for me to catch a picture without waiting in the line.

Later Saturday, Kristen to visit! She came to church with us then had dinner at our place.

On Sunday, our nephew was dedicated at his church, and we went to support the family, then to their house for brunch afterwards.

This coat tree was the one we ordered from Target and came Tuesday. We were very excited.

Wednesday at work, a co-worker told me my tire looked low when he came into work, and it looked low the day before, too. I called Josh and he came to rescue me as usual, filled my tire, and we took it to the local Firestone mechanic. They found a nail in the tire and patched it and all is well now.

And, to end, more non-camera-phone pictures for you to look at: Our wedding album is designed! Go here and pick our album, username 'guest', password 'joanna'
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