
First tomatoes!

The first tomatoes of the season are always exciting. I started a few plants from seed this year, but many of them didn't make it, so I bought a few Roma plants to fill out the plot. My first tomatoes were from plants I started from seed, however. How do I know? The ripe tomatoes are yellow- Taxi Yellow.

Other recent harvests include:



and more beans.

I ended up with about 25 lbs of potatoes. The bean supply is slowing significantly, and the few ears of corn I got, I grabbed when I saw husked ears strewn about my yard- it appears the raccoons snatched about 2/3 of my corn before I got to it. Huge bummer. I guess I know to plant more next year- the few ears we got were delicious! I had heard it wasn't easy to grow organic corn, but it worked for us!

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