
Camera phone captures & some cooking

Last week, with all the visits with Matts, was quite a whirlwind. Monday we brought garlic bread to the small group dinner. Tuesday we were ambitious with Matt W and made gnocchi. Both Wednesday and Thursday afternoons, I used free apples and made apple pie. Both were eaten too quickly to get a good picture. Saturday I baked a cake for brother-in-law Matt and family, and we celebrated with the crowd. Which is where most of the camera phone pictures come in...

We ate at Bub's Burgers in Camel. It was a party of 13, including 4 boys at or under the age of 6. Quite a zoo.
Me and nephew Mason:

Nephew Kaden, with Batman:

Nephew Kevin really liked the cameraphone:

He even figured out how to take pictures with it. Here, he is sitting on my lap taking a picture of me:

The toys at dinner got their own pictures as well, Batman and Bernice the Bernese Mountain Dog:

And, just to keep things sufficiently random, we all know Moose Tracks Ice Cream... here's Goose Tracks Ice Stream (I know, It's a stretch... and corny.)

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