
A leader grieves

It was from a phone call from my mom's friend that I heard the news- Indianapolis Colts coach Tony Dungy's son was found dead. The news was hard to take.
I'm not a huge football fan, so sports wasn't the reason I was intially excited to hear Dungy was coming to Indianapolis when he left Tampa. I had heard even better news about him- not that he was a talented coach, but that he was a Christian, involved in FCA and local ministry. I was excited that Indianapolis was going to have a new public figure that was going to be a great role model from his position. And he has been. And will surely continue to be, but I mourn knowing all the more he is a brother in Christ.

From the Indianapolis Star:
To understand the way this news emotionally flattened the Indianapolis Colts, it's imperative to understand the unique relationship between Dungy and his players. He is not a typical NFL dictator; he is a paternal figure, kind and stern, a players' coach who respects his guys and treats them as men. So when the team was told the news, it was as if the entire organization -- even the entire city -- had lost a member of the family.

The fact that he is a 'member of the family' is the point- not that he has won more games this season than ever or that Super Bowl hopes are in sight. Right now- the point is that he is a father and husband, relying on God's strength to get him & his family through this time.

I have no doubt he’d trade every victory in his career to have his son back. I am sure he’d trade the Super Bowl for James’ life, no questions asked.

Forget the Super Bowl- family trumps football. Hopefully Colts fans will understand that. I think they will.

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