
Good Friday notes

The Good Friday service was great tonight. Chris Jarvis spoke, and did an excellent job. Here are some notes from the service:

  • Pontius Pilate asked Jesus "What is truth?" The correct question is "Who is truth?" -- He's a person. He has, well, had an address. He walked around in street clothes. He got his hair cut.

  • TRUTH - There's more than sticks and dust and water and you know it. The Great Revealer is pulling back the curtain to expose Truth to us.

  • Jesus as Truth brings redemptive significance and meaning to all things and all moments.

  • Truth has mass and weight and is something very real - more real than we know.

  • The only Really Real is God. Jesus is the Really Real. He's only interested in saving the Real You, not the face you put on, the messy you with problems and struggles and fears.

  • We are never so close to and so much like Jesus as in the moment of fear and hurt and doubt and despair when we turn to heaven and say, "My God, my God, where are you God?

  • In conclusion, John 11:25-26: Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?”

Those are my reflections for today. Christ's sacrifice is overwhelming, and who He is and who He ought to be in my life is more than I think I live out day-to-day.
That was my take away today: I need to understand fully 'the power of the resurrection' - what it means to die with Christ and live His life.
I don't.
Maybe I never will.
It's a goal.
It's a good thing God is faithful, and will stick with me while I am still weak and falliable and figuring things out. God is good; we can rejoice in that.

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